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Our Stories

Find out how music therapy has changed people's lives. Here are some testimonials, stories and examples of how we bring benefit to people's lives.

How Music Therapy Has Helped

Alex is a young boy who suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These are a group of developmental disorders which have the potential to cause difficulty in the social and educational domains of life. 


It was Alex’s mother who explained the difficult challenge regarding Alex’s ability to form relationships with others. He had a refusal to accept input from others, both in school and at home. Even when Alex first endeavored on his journey into music therapy, “there was some initial resistance to working with the therapist. He attempted to control the sessions and was reluctant to let the session finish on time.”  


However, music was about to change Alex’s life for the better. 


His mother cheerily voiced that “with the patience and perseverance of the therapist, trust and rapport was established. A significant breakthrough was made in the later sessions as Alex allowed the therapist to make an input in his play, and he took this input on board!” This had been something that Alex had struggled with immensely, so to see the music therapy work its magic is a real reminder of why we do what we do. 


The dialogue created through music has been immensely beneficial to Alex.

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